According to the data gathered by the Philippine National Police (PNP), it showed that more than 12,000 Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) cases were reported throughout the country in 2021, with over 8,000 involving women as victims. [1]We cannot deny the fact that these kinds of cases are so difficult for the victims, most of the victims of abuse, not only felt pain physically, but also they felt trauma mentally, and usually, these traumas will hunt them forever and it is not easy to forget their gruesome experiences. Violence has no exceptions, everybody could be a victim of violence, but most of the victims of the abuse are mostly women and children.
Abuses are rampant for women and children for the reason that they are so vulnerable and most of them are afraid to report abuses they had experienced. They felt unsecured in reporting incidents of abuse, thinking that anytime, the abuser might continue his abusive behavior and it might worsen. That is why the PNP's role in domestic abuse is a huge part, with the help of law enforcement the victims gained the courage on reporting crimes against violence to women and children.
In Digos City Police Station (DCPS), there is a rampant increase in reported cases of crimes involving violence against women and children. In a day, the number of complaints that the Women and Children's Protection Desk (WCPD) receives is usually not less than 5 complaints. It showed that violence against women and children is one of the major incidents that the DCPS is facing. In relation to that problem.
As the Chief of Police of this city, We must intensify the campaign and projects that promotes the awareness of abuses against women and children, there must be enough seminars and other approaches to be conducted in order to address the existing problem of abuse against women and children.
The continuous effort and approaches of the DCPS in promoting the Republic Act No. 9262 or also known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004 [2], is a stepping stone in eliminating cases of abuse against women and children. As a member of the community, we must be vigilant also in our community, if ever we saw a person that has a sign of being maltreated, immediately ask for assistance, it is our responsibility to help others.
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